If you’re looking for the best way to introduce your kids to cycling, look no further than WOOM BIKES.
These lightweight bikes are perfect for young children and come in various sizes to accommodate different age groups. We believe that the Woom series of bicycles are the ideal way to teach your kiddos to pedal. In this Woom Bikes Review, we’ll talk about the bikes our family has, some basic bike specs and why we choose Woom to teach our kids to ride.
Our kids have been riding Woom bikes for many years now and they just love them! Adia started learning on the Woom 1 balance bike at age 2, Lucca got on a Woom bike at age 4, and August’s first Woom experience was at age 6. Woom only designs and builds bikes for kids and claims that children can learn to ride up to three times faster than on other bikes.
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How Woom Bikes Helped Our Kids Learn Faster
Using a lightweight bike is important because the bike’s weight ratio is appropriate for the child’s weight. If a bike is too heavy it’s too hard to control, thus harder to learn on. Designed to be 40% lighter than conventional children’s bikes, these bikes are easier to ride with a low center of gravity that provides more control while they’re learning to steer and pedal.
The brake handles are adjustable so they can be easily operated by small hands. Even the Woom 1 comes with a rear brake so kids can learn early how to stop.
Woom delivers the entire biking progression fleet so your child can always ride the bike that is the best fit for their size and skill level. This allows them to feel more confident while riding on new trails or learning to hit jumps in the progression park.

Woom Bikes Review – BIkes Our Family Uses
The Woom 1 is the perfect choice for kids just starting to ride. It is lightweight, easy to maneuver, and has a low center of gravity that makes it stable and safe. The seat and handlebars are adjustable so that they can grow with your child. This bike is equipped with rear brakes, so kids can learn to stop as early as possible.
What really stands out is the steering limiter. This function prevents accidental overturning and instills confidence in their riding abilities during their introduction to two wheels.
We used this bike with Adia at about 18 months to introduce her to the concept of gliding, steering and braking. The limiter screw ensured she could learn to steer at incremental stages and the green brake handle was a strong visual reference for how to stop. The “back pedal to stop” on other kid’s bikes means that when they progress to their next bike, they have to learn to stop all over again. The muscle memory for stopping is using their feet not their hands. The Woom 1 allows them to solidify their stopping using coast brakes and means that the transition to a new bike is easier.
- Size: 12″
- Weight: 6.6 lbs
- Top features: Green Rear Brake, Steering Limiter
- Age: 1.5 – 3.5 years
- Price: About $200 CAD
- At Canadian Tire: Strider 12 at 6.7lbs, no brakes or limiter screw and about $130CAD
With a weight of just 12.3 lbs, the Woom 2 is one, if not the world’s lightest, pedal bike for kids! In no time, you’ll see how your little ones can balance and learn what it takes to pedal with ease.
Skip the training wheels because a lightweight bike is easier to pedal and get rolling. This is Adia’s current bike that she rips around the small woops at the bike park.
- Size: 14″
- Weight: 12.3 lbs
- Top features: Steering Limiter
- Age: 3 – 4.5 years
- Price: About $360 CAD
- At Canadian Tire: Raleigh 14” Kids’ Bike at 23.59 lb and $260 CAD

The Woom Off is the perfect bike for kids who are ready to tackle some off-road riding. It’s lightweight yet durable, has 20” wheels and weighs just 22lbs. This was Lucca’s first mountain bike and an ideal transition from casual sidewalk rolling to trail riding.
If you’re looking for a quality mountain bike that your child will love, look no further than the Woom Off.
- Size: 20″
- Weight: 17.2 lbs
- Top features: Disc Brakes, Carbon Fork
- Age: 6 – 8 years
- Price: About $800 CAD
- At Canadian Tire: Raleigh Vibe 20” at $350 CAD

This bike comes with 26” wheels and is designed for kids aged 10-14. August is ripping the Woom 6 this season and even learning to jump it at the bike park. Its lightweight frame and easy-to-use components make it a natural progression from the Woom 4.
The Woom Off 6 is a superlight and durable mountain bike that offers children the next step into more challenging terrain. A special chainring ensures the chain stays in place no matter how rough things get, which means less stopping to fix chains!
August has taken his Woom bike to new heights this summer, learning to ride dirt jumps at the pump track. Since his bike is a perfect size: weight ratio for him, he can handle it easily.
When asked to review his Woom bike, August said ‘it’s the best!’ – that pretty much sums up our Woom Bikes Review!
- Tire Size: 26″
- Weight: 20.5 lbs
- Top features: Disc Brakes, Carbon Fork
- Age: 10 – 14 years
- Price: About $900 CAD
- At Canadian Tire: CCM Static Dual Suspension 24” Youth Mountain Bike at 43.65 lb for about $430 CAD

Other Reasons We Love Woom
-> Durable, high-quality materials that can withstand being ridden hard and ridden by every kid in the family.
-> Woom Bikes are easy to assemble and come with all the tools you need. You can also watch instructional videos on their website.
-> The company is also environmentally friendly and they use recycled materials to make their products. They give back to the community by donating bikes to kids in need.
-> Created by two ‘bike-mad’ dads in a garage in Vienna.

Final Thoughts
I would highly recommend Woom Bikes to any parent looking for a quality bike for their child. They offer a wide range of sizes and styles to choose from, and they’re built to last. And as your child grows, you can upCYCLE to a bigger model or sell the bike as they have great resale value. I hope you found this Woom Bikes Review helpful and if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below or contact me directly. I’m always happy to help!
To ensure your kids are safe on their bikes, they’ll also need a good helmet. Check out our Lazer Sport Helmet Review for more info about the helmets we use.
Happy cycling! 🙂